
We encourage all contributions. Please see our contribution guide first. If you’re contributing code, we recommend reading our project-wide evelopment guide.

We recommend working in a virtual environment. This can be created by running python -m venv venv. Then, activate the environment with source venv/bin/activate. You can then install the required packages with pip install -r requirements_dev.txt.

If at any time you run into issues, please contact us by following the guidelines here.

Setting up pre-commit#

The first time you develop code, you’ll need to install the pre-commit. This checks that our style is consistent. It gets installed when you do pip install -r requirements_dev.txt but then requires you to activate them by running pre-commit install. Now everytime you commit, our checks will run first.

Building the docs#

The docs are built using sphinx. First, you must install it and the other documentation requirements with

pip install -r ./docs/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
python build_ext --inplace

Then, navigate to the docs directory and run make html to build the docs.

Running tests#

To run the tests for this package, run pytest in the repository base directory.

This repository includes tests for the plotting utilities which compare generated plots to reference images saved in tests/baseline. To include these image-comparison tests, run pytest --mpl. To update these reference images, run pytest --mpl --mpl-generate-path=tests/baseline.

If the image-comparison tests are failing, run pytest --mpl --mpl-generate-summary=html to generate a summary page showing the generated and reference images. The location of the generated file will be shown at the end of pytest’s command-line output.